Our Instructors are a busy bunch of professional photographers with many different projects and events on the go.
From wildly different backgrounds and corners of the globe they all have one thing in common: A passion for photography.
7 New Instructors @ VPW!!
Our Director Marc Koegel has been busy working on expanding our faculty. We are proud to announce the addition of SEVEN (7) new instructors to the VPW community. We welcome Dan Kozma, Kathleen Hinkel, Christopher Morris, Dave Montizambert, Ross den Otter, and Katie Huisman! Dedicated instructor pages with more information about each Photographer will be available shortly! For now, you can click on the instructors name and this will link to their individual homepages. Enjoy!
Become An Instructor
Are you interested in joining our top notch team of motivated instructors?
We are looking for dedicated professionals who are the leaders in their respective fields - only the best of the best need apply!
If you are such a person please see our submission policy page. Thanks.