"The Camera is an instrument that teaches people how to see without a camera." Dorthea Lange

Join award-winning photographer & architect Rick Hulbert as he travels to Seattle, WA where he will be showing participants how to plan, prepare, & shoot photographic travels in a way that will help ensure great images. With rich culture, funky buildings, & a beautiful shoreline, Seattle presents a fantastic shooting oppotunity for travel photography. Whether you are a beginner, an enthusiast, or a professional photographer, this workshop will enhance the way you view your next urban travel experience.

Urban environments comprise the most diverse, target-rich places to photograph anywhere, period. Cities and Towns are essentially a network of "Public Realms" (streets, parks, plazas or squares, etc.) framed by buildings and other man-made structures. It could be argued that Urban Settings with Buildings are the Mother of all photographic subjects. Most of us will travel to these places and photographing them can be a wonderful experience.

There are "rules" for photographing the Constructed Environment. Knowing these generally accepted "rules" will make you a better photographer. Mastering these rules will allow you to break them in a deliberate, meaningful way.

While lectures provide fundamental information, hands-on field photography & constructive critiques of your own selected images will form a key part of the learning experience. There is no requirement for fancy equipment; Any and every brand of camera can work. But for those interested in the best camera & best techniques, we can also talk about gear & broadly touch on software solutions that can make your images sing.

A 10 person maximum ensures plenty of one-on-one time & shooting opportunities

"Photography is a constant struggle between the search for an honest and true documentation of reality and the inevitable interpretation, distortion, and hoped for enhancement of reality. The search is noble, but the inevitability is likely certain . . . and either goal will, thankfully, remain elusive." Rick Hulbert


• take your current photographic skills to the next level

• learn the very basics of how people see and perceive the environment around them

• be able to create memories that document, interpret, or artistically portray your travel experiences

• learn and apply the basics of Street Photography and Travel Photography

• better photograph buildings, streets, and public places

• work with the basic compositional elements of distance, perspective and scale

• anticipate the importance of the quality, direction and reflection of natural light

• begin to incorporate "emotion" and "atmosphere" and "story telling" into your photography

• "capture" and "develop" better photographs


This introductory course will consist of an overview of a number of principles of Urban Travel Photography Participants will learn concepts and skills through the following activities:

• Lecture

• Class discussion

• Requested Demonstrations

• Field Photography

• Constructive Photo Evaluations


The Executive Hotel - Seattle, WA

400 Spring Street, Seattle, WA

+1 206-623-3900

* Participants are responsible for their accommodation & travel arrangements for Seattle.

** If staying at the Executive Pacific Hotel, please mention you are with the Vancouver Photo Workshops event.


Ultimate Travel Photography: 4 Day Workshop

Architectural Photography & The Urban Environment: 6 Week Course

Architectural Photography & The Urban Environment: 4 Day Workshop

Vancouver Holiday & Travel Photography: 2 Day Workshop

Photographing Vancouver Gardens: 5 Days, 5 Gardens

Instructor Biography

Richard Hulbert Architect, AIBC, FRAIC, RCA, AIA

Richard Hulbert is an International Award winning and published Architect, Urban Designer, and Photographer. He has been a frequent Lecturer, Teacher, and Seminar Panel Participant on four continents.

Richard has been named a Fellow in the Royal Architectural Institute of Canada which is among the highest honors that can be bestowed upon a member. He is a former President of the Architectural Institute of British Columbia. Notably, Richard is also an Academician in the Royal Canadian Academy of the Arts, one of the youngest members ever to be elected to that august body.

As an Architect, Richard has won design awards or has had his works published each and every year for the past 35 years.

Currently Richard is also a Teacher of Photography at the Vancouver Photo Workshops Studio in Vancouver, Canada.

Richard's educational philosophy includes the following notions:

• Adults learn more from story telling than from memorization

• Learning is heightened when key principles can be related to a humorous event

• Effective learning arises when knowledge is self-discovered with directed input, as opposed to being "taught"

Visit Rick's website for more information and to see his beautiful photography:



"Thanks again for the most inspiring workshop days! I absolutely loved your approach to teaching. Your sense of humor made it more than just a learning experience and was a big factor in what for me, was the best workshop I've attended." Joanne Kennedy

"Thank you for putting together a fantastic course. I've taken many classes and this one was definitely one of my favorites. You have an excellent teaching style and I felt that it was easy to absorb the information that you were presenting. I'm a visual learner and one that enjoys a little humor mixed in so it was a great weekend and I'll be looking forward to future classes that you'll be teaching." Glen Murray

"I attend a lot of workshops, and your class stands out as the most impactful and useful. Your guidance during the lecture and review was immediately applicable and actionable, and I know I have become a better photographer already. The number of "aha!" moments was impressive, and my one regret was that it wasn't a full week - or longer - workshop." Lala Mamedov

"Your Travel Photography with an Architectural 'bias' was outstanding or to put it in a teacher's marking guide it gets an A++. The pictures illustrating your point of view were appropriate and certainly reinforced the spoken part. To hold our attention and interest as you did is certainly the mark of a speaker who not only knows his subject well but can pass such learning to others." Tommy Thomas

"Thanks for one of the best photographic learning experiences I've had. And I've had a lot. I could not have designed a more efficient way to learn the art and science of photography of architecture. Thanks for all the work you put into this, and for going above and beyond, way beyond, what we expected from the workshop." Neil Boyle

"Thank you so much for delivering such a quality presentation so densely packed with concise and practical instruction in such a short period of time! Your course had an immediate positive impact on my photography. . . Your honest teaching style combined with a sense of humor kept me engaged through the course without feeling self-conscious about my own level of photographic skill and knowledge. I will be certain to attend more of your classes." Mike Stanway


Saturday, October 19, 2013

9:00am – 10:00am … Introduction, Objectives, Getting to know each other

10:00am - Noon … Photographing Designed and Constructed Environments

Lecture and Discussion

Noon – 1:00pm Lunch Break

1:00pm – 3:00pm … "STRAVEL" … Combining Street and Travel Photography

Lecture and Discussion

3:00pm – 7:00pm … Field Photography


Sunday, October 20, 2013

7:30 Sunrise – 10:30 … Field Photography

10:30am – Noon … Photographic Composition … Lecture and Discussion

Noon – 1:00pm … Lunch Break

1:00pm – 4:00pm … Constructive Image Review

4:00pm – 5:00pm … Conclusion and Wrap-up

Maximum 10 participants. This will allow for some “personal attention” and some private tutoring as desired for each participant during the hands-on field photography sessions.

Note: While this workshop will help you get more out of your camera and improve your photography, it is not a course on how to use your particular camera. You need to read your manual and have a basic understanding of your camera’s key features. 



Intermediate/Advanced. Must be comfortable with personal camera operation and have a basic understanding of photography techniques and terminology.


Maximum 10 participants only!

What to Bring

You need to have a camera that you know how to use. At the very least, please read & bring with you the camera manual.

If you have a sturdy tripod, bring it along, especially for Dawn and Dusk Photography

You should be able to transfer or convert your selected photos to digital files on a portable USB drive so that you can give your selected images to the instructor for display and evaluation.

While the instructor may be using a variety of software products in demonstrating digital post processing techniques, there is no requirement for you to purchase specific software.

However, if you have a portable computer with photo software, feel free to bring it along to the classroom sessions.

Equipment Needed:

Bring your camera (must have manual controls) and at least 1 lens.
Optional: additional lenses, camera flash and tripod.

We Provide:

Course descripton as above


Early-Bird Discount:

Most of our courses and workshops offer a 10% discount is applied automatically if you register before the Early-Bird Discount deadline date listed in the registration table below.

Some courses and workshops offer a discount if you're among the first 3 people who register. This discount will replace the 'standard' Early Bird Discount mentioned above, and will be applied automatically during the online registration process (as long as it is available). Check the course/workshop listing page for more details.

Group Discount:

A 5% discount will be appplied if 3 or more people register at the same time for the same workshop. (All 3 tuitions must be paid for by one credit card to be considered a group registration.) Please follow the instructions on the online registration page.


In order to provide the best learning environment possible VPW keeps class and tour sizes limited to 10-15 people (depending on the workshop). This is but one reason that we count on you to attend your chosen class or tour, once you have registered for it.

If you must withdraw for any reason please be aware of our refund policy as follows:

For our Local Lectures, Seminars, and Workshops valued at or under $100, VPW is unable to provide a cash refund. Transfers are limited to one transfer to either the same event at a later date, or a different event of equal value. VPW requires 48 hours written notice in order to make such a transfer (email notice is acceptable). The event you are transferring to must occur within 6 months of the original event you registered for. A $15 fee will be applied to all transfers.

For our Local Workshops, 1 to 5 days in length and our Local 4 to 10 Week Courses, VPW requires 30 days written notice (before the event start date) of your withdrawal in order to provide a refund. (Email notice is acceptable.)

For our Master Photographer Series workshops, 1 to 5 days in length, VPW requires 60 days written notice (before the workshop start date) of your withdrawal in order to provide a refund. VPW may retain 15% of fees paid or $150 minimum in processing your refund. If the tuition is less than $500 the minimum fee drops to $75.

Within 45 days of the Master Photographer Series workshop date all fees paid are non-refundable.

For our Photo Tours (national and international), the following charges will apply:

  • If you cancel up to 3 months before the tour start date and we can fill your space, your reservation (or deposit) fee will be refunded
  • There is no additional cancellation fee up to 8 weeks before the start of your tour
  • From 8 weeks to 4 weeks before the tour: 25% of your balance
  • From 4 weeks to 1 week before the tour: 50% of your balance
  • From 1 week to 72 hours before the tour: 75% of your balance
  • If you cancel within 72 hours of the start of the trip, no refund can be paid
  • Transaction charges incurred on accepting and refunding payments will be deducted from the refund amount
  • In the (unlikely) event that we cancel the Photo Tour, all monies paid will be refunded in full

We highly recommend that you take out travel insurance to guard yourself against monies lost due to unavoidable cancellation by either party.

Transfers (for all events over $100): If you wish to transfer to a different workshop date, VPW requires a minimum of 30 days written (email) notice. All transfers are based on availaibility, and subject to approval by VPW staff. For courses/workshops with tuition above $101, the transfer fee is $35.

Transfer Fees as based on event pricing:
Tuition of $100 and below, the transfer fee is $15
Tuition of $101 and above, the transfer fee is $35

VPW can give no refunds:

If you registered for any event valued at or under $100
If you do not show up for your registered course.
If you register for a course beyond or below your skill or ability level.

Refunds for all events valued at $101 and above (excluding Master Series Workshops):
If a student wishes to cancel their registration for any of VPW's events, and has provided written notice within the appropriate timeframe, a refund less a $50 administration fee will be provided.

Course Cancellation:

Occasionally, we may have to cancel a course due to low enrollment. In this case, we will issue a full refund of all monies paid to VPW up to that time.

Instructor Replacement:

In the event that a listed instructor is unable to participate because of a change in his or her professional schedule, we will replace the instructor with someone of equal or similar credentials. If we cannot find a replacement in due time before the course is about to start, a particular class may have to be rescheduled.


In the event that we cancel your course, for any reason, the extent of VPW's liability is limited to the return of all monies paid. We will do everything we can to register you in another equivalent course. VPW will not be responsible for reimbursement of travel expenses of any kind.

Please note: An administration charge of $50 applies to all refunds

Read complete refund and liability policy

"Thanks again for the most inspiring four days! I absolutely loved your approach to
teaching.  Your sense of humour made it more than just a learning
experience and was a big factor in what for me, was the best workshop
I've attended."
Joanne Kennedy

"I recently took Rick Hulbert's Urban photography and just thought it was fantastic. His teaching skills were amazing, and his images breathtaking. I learned so much about lens correction and post production. I would not hesitate recommending him to others."
Leslie Nelson

"I enjoyed the whole experience enormously.  I learned several things that I have been able to put into practice right away, which is tremendously satisfying.  Your relaxed teaching style encouraged a lot of group interaction, so I also learned a lot from other group members; an unexpected bonus."
Nancy Matheson

"Great four days, I learned a hell of a lot and gained more confidence in using my camera."
James McKenzie

"Rick's direction and instruction opened my eyes to new photographic possibilities.  The workshop was rich in information, technique, and an appreciation of the art of urban and architectural photography.  It was a wonderful experience and I recommend it to anyone who wants to improve their compositional technique and image editing skills.  Well done, Rick!"
Ron Courtright

"I attend a lot of workshops, and your class stands out as the most impactful and useful. Your guidance during the lecture and review was immediately applicable and actionable, and I know I have become a better photographer already. The number of aha! moments was impressive, and my one regret was that it wasn't a full week - or longer - workshop."
Lala Mamedov

This 4 Day Workshop is taught by:

Richard Hulbert  MAIBA, FRAIC, RCA, AIA

Visit Rick's website for more information and to see his beautiful photography:


Class Start Date Time Early-Bird Discount Ends Location Instructor Registration
Sat & Sun Oct 19 & 20, 2013 See detailed agenda above First 3 people SAVE $45!! The Executive Hotel Pacific - Seattle Richard Hulbert Click Here to Register
TBA TBA, 2013         To Be Wait Listed Email info@vancouverphotoworkshops.com